Thursday, October 26, 2006

Trunk or Treat

This evening, a "trunk or treat" was held at the church parking lot. We were told that since it was raining, it would be indoors. By the time we got there, the rain had stopped, so it was held outdoors--43 degrees, and we had dressed for indoors! Oh well, it was all over in 45 minutes--all the candy given away, as kids came around 2 or 3 times (at least the more greedy ones). (Then we got in the car, turned on the heat and warmed our fingers and toes!) Alice and her friend Kelly, who was dressed as a cat.

Sister Bailey --the evil church janitor. Better keep your kids under control, folks!

Perhaps Justin will recognize his lab coat. I said hello to all my little nursery kids, and not one of them recognized me. Even when their moms would say, "Look, it's your teacher!" they would look at me like somebody was not telling the truth. Finally, I whipped off the wig, and then a big smile would appear. NOW I was their teacher!

Elizabeth and Alice, our princesses!

Fortunately, the dress turned out well. Now Elizabeth wants one just like it. The skirt is a full circle (took 2 hours to hem by hand!). It reminds me of a dress Ginger Rodgers would dance in with Fred Astaire--all flowing and full. Gosh, now I want one too!


  1. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Wow, I did recognize that lab coat! I didn't remember I did that that one halloween until I saw your picture. I forgot how good a job I did on that thing.

  2. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Such beautiful dresses! Where are the hoops? So are the girls going to take tap-dancing now???
