Friday, April 29, 2011

A little of this and that...

Easter.  For some reason, I have less inclination to go all out in decorating. Nothing like at Christmas!  Maybe it is because at Christmas I feel like cocooning, and at Easter--springtime--I feel like being outside, and leaving the house uncluttered.
But we still enjoy coloring the eggs.  A dozen hard-boiled, and a couple of dozen fresh (and we keep the them separated!).
I love being able to take an egg out to use in a recipe, and it is a bright, vibrant color.  Of course, then I have to make a decision as to which color to use (and which to save for later).
 Then, Kent Hansen brought us some lemons from Arizona, just in time for some lemon curd served on cheesecake.  Or lemon curd just eaten with a spoon.  And some lemon juice and zest in the freezer for the next baking. 
 About 2 weeks ago, we got a letter from the city saying they wanted to develop the 3 acres behind us.  Rats!
We love having the wide-open space
and unimpeded view of... Hudson Road.  
I went to City Hall and found out all about it.
The deal is not complete, but this is what they are hoping for.
Two professional buildings (doctors' offices, etc.).
With a green space still in between them and us.  
The "forest" will be gone, but most of those trees are old and scrubby, and already dying.
It looks like "our" tree line would be allowed to stay.
I was really afraid they were going to do something that would come right up to the property line--and that would make a VERY small backyard for us, especially after what we've been used to
Of course, there is always the possibility it will turn into condos, or  a strip mall, etc., but the city has written a lot of protections in--i.e., nothing over 1 story and other things.
I just hope they will be quiet neighbors, and maybe now the deer won't feel so free about coming and grazing our garden!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Springtime in Iowa

As birds sing outside this morning, I just have to say how grateful I am for spring to return!
 I am so grateful for the snow to be gone.  We had a light dusting of it on Saturday morning but it was melted by noon.  I felt sorry for those families attending soccer games for their children, as a very stiff northern wind had to be just awful to deal with.
 The first crocuses bring tiny spots of color--and so much joy!--to a very gray landscape.  Once all the snow was gone, I realized that our Iowa "world" was monochromatic:  dark brownish-gray bare trees.  Light brownish-gray dormant grass, bushes and shrubs.  I almost missed the variation of white snow.
Alice has been busy in her 8th grade FCS (Food & Consumer Science) class.  She had to sew one item--a pair of cotton sleep pants, but there were a couple of other options available for the students who wanted to get extra credit.
So she also sewed a felt hat.
 And a baby seal.
This past weekend, she worked on a new skirt.  I think she's well on her way! (She did still want me to help her with the zipper.  Next time, I'm sure she'll get to do that as well.)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Notes for Grandma

First on Friday, I got a note in the mail from Marta.
Grandpa received it as well.  And Marta, we love you!
 Then on Saturday evening, I grabbed a shirt out of the closet and I noticed something peeking out of the pocket.
 I took it out, and remembered!
A month ago Brenna made this note, and after reading it
 I put in in my pocket.  Brenna, I love you too!
I love surprise notes from my granddaughters!