Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My Braces and I -by Elle

Family photos- no braces here...................................

A summer ago, notice the long bangs, and NO braces!!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, acident......................
Curly hair, no braces

Stopping to smell the roses...................
Surprisingly, this picture was taken by me!! I have a tequnique, of putting the camera in front of the mirrior, so I can see the picture on the little screen, so I know how the picture looks!



  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I like the braces! I don't think they look bad at all... and if you do, at least you got your school picture already taken this year without them!

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    oh yes... and when I asked Brenna just now if she liked the braces, she said yes! So now you have it on authority that the braces are great.

  3. Anonymous10:52 PM

    What a fun posting, Elizabeth. You have really got a knack to putting these photos and witty quips together. Love, Dad
