Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What a surprise...

Some of the furniture in our furnished apartment is obviously second hand;
some pieces don't match each other.  The microwave is a small one with a simple
dial for a timer.  (I really miss my own microwave!)
The landlord didn't put out a lot of money in providing the necessities,
except in one instance.
The toilet in the family bathroom.
It's electric!
Notice the remote control on the wall.
Sure, during the winter the heated seat will be nice.
 For some reason, this toilet thinks you want to have a light shining on the contents.
However, if you ever need to use the WC in the middle of the night,
you are guided by the soft, bluish glow emanating from the cracks (if the lid is closed).
 I just want to know WHO or WHAT is going to be air dried!
And if you have someone in the family who forgets to flush,
this is the model for you.
 My last question:  Do they mean the toilet is intelligent
or does it mean I am intelligent for using it?
We saw some of these toilets for sale at a local hardware store, and 
I about dropped my drawers!  

1 comment:

  1. Rosemary--you must have had SO much fun writing this post!
