Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Good Friday Project

Kevin had Good Friday off from work, but the girls didn't have school off, so it we had a great "couple" day.
So, did we go to a movie?  Nope.  Theaters don't open until 4 pm.  We did go and get the siding ordered (thanks for all your input as to color.)  We ordered shakes that are a slightly darker shade.  Our siding is "sage" and the shakes are "Scottish thistle".  I just love how the names give you hardly a clue as to what the color really is.
The REAL project for the day was entered into with the idea from the weather forecast that it wasn't going to rain until that night.  But sometimes forecasts are wrong.
The rock wall had been sagging forward and with the nice spring weather, it seemed like the perfect time for this project.
It was back-breaking labor.  I tried helping but the blocks were too heavy.  So I became "support".  It's a good thing Kevin is physically fit already or this would have been bad.  He was still pretty sore by the end of the day.
Just a few moments after this picture, fat drops of water started plopping down.  We hoped it was just a brief shower passing quickly by.  Nope.  It was the real thing.  As the rain poured, we ran and got tarps to cover the dirt piles but weren't able to cover all the area that needed to be dug out.  A half-inch of rain later, Kevin set out to dig out the gravel to reset the blocks. 
Now the job was twice as difficult. 
But he did it. He's that kind of man.


  1. looks so good. I can't wait to see pictures of the siding!

  2. And Kevin was so careful to not hurt the flowers just coming up.

  3. catherine3:01 PM

    It looks very nice now.

  4. catherine3:01 PM

    What about some periwinkle groundcover in there, to provide some draping greenery?
