Friday, April 09, 2010

Bunny Wars!

One of the missionaries received her ceramic bunny in the mail, but in transit, the nose had been broken.  Suddenly, it looked demonic!
Maybe it's the yellow eyes.  Or the crouching position.
But it has been showing up in the most surprising places... Alice's back pack.
...or the refrigerator.
A & E figure out a good place for it to surprise the missionaries.
Then the sisters put it on the stairs for E to see when she gets up at 5:30 a.m. for seminary.
We hear a startled "Oh!" and then a nervous laugh.
And the sisters win another round.
I'm really glad the sisters are here.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to imagine that bunny with a happy, non-demonic smile, and I really can't. It is quite scary-looking.
