Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Going, Going... Gone

The last hail storm reminded us of just how hurting the trampoline was.
Nearly a fourth of the springs are missing.
The tarp is tearing.
One of the support bars is broken (but still holding together).
There are bits of blue plastic and foam from the enclosure all over the yard.
We kept it because there are so many neighbor children
who loved to jump on it.
And it was safe enough--for little kids.  Not for big kids.
And there lies the worry.
So the time has arrived for the trampoline to say good bye.
We invited the kids over for an ice cream treat and one last jump.
And now, I get to decide what to do with this bare spot of ground.
Rake off the mulch and grow the grass back?
Plant my tomatoes there and hope it is far enough from the old garden so they won't get blight?
Put a metal/canvas-top gazebo there?
Make it a BIG fire-pit and picnic area?
As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities for this "new" area in our yard!


  1. Did you take the trampoline to the dump, or did you sell it on Craig's List?

    I'm excited to see what becomes of that spot!

  2. my vote is for the fire pit and picnic area but I'm sure whatever it becomes you guys will enjoy it! :-)

  3. You have Captain Blight from the HMS Bounty roaming around your old garden?! Hmmm, well, he probably has scurvy, limiting his movement, so a new tomato patch should be fine.

  4. You should put a pond in...they're SUPER low maintenance :) Did I tell you that the Kohr's no longer have fish in their pond because a pelican swooped down and ate them all? Crazy. Anyway, we'll miss the trampoline, but it'll be fun that have that space for something new!

  5. It was too damaged to sell. We kept the tarp (who knows how that might come in handy, as well as the netting). The rest went to metal recycling.
