Sunday, October 09, 2011

Requiem for a Parakeet

A week ago today, Ellie's parakeet suddenly began acting funny, and within a few hours, 
it passed into the next world.  We really have no clue as to what happened.
Did it hurt itself while out and flying around that morning?
Did we feed them too many pear peelings (which they really liked)?
RIP, Bespin.  (I am guessing at how to spell it.)  We had her for only two weeks.

But!  With vacation this week, 
we made another trip to the flower, fish and bird market.
Welcome, Camino.
She has taken a few days to get adjusted--she no longer pecks at the other
bird whenever he comes close--but I'd have to say 
there's still a ways to go before they are buddies.
She has an exceedingly sharp beak and seems pretty crabby.  
We've all found out that her pecks really hurt.  
She doesn't break the skin but it's red and stings.
Nobody wants to teach her to sit on their hand.
 Hopefully she'll get nicer.  Or maybe we'll start feeding her
a bunch of pear peelings!


  1. catherine4:16 PM

    Oh, Ellie, I'm so sorry she died! Camino looks very pretty also... here's hoping that she gets much nicer!

  2. Alice7:28 PM

    Her name is Kamino (like the Star Wars water world where the Clones were made.)And she's nicer (to Eisley anyway).
