Monday, October 24, 2011

International Day at TIS

One of the fun things about the school Alice and Ellie go to is
the willingness to educate beyond using textbooks.
This past Friday was International Day, which went beyond everyone
dressing up in outfits that reflected their heritage--or the heritage
of another country if they wished.  Next year, I want to wear my Indian sari! 
They also had food from many countries.
The Korean moms had enough food to feed an army--sweet rice balls,
sliced pork or beef dishes, transparent noodle dish, fruit, kimbap,
pumpkin soup, fried vegetables, and so on.  And everything was delicious.
Then the Japanese moms had squid and tiny pork sandwiches, and some
kind of meat on a stick, and so on.  The Americans (which includes any
other Europeans--British, South African, Australian, Swedish) were in
charge of desserts--everyone knows we do sugar best.
But people from all the other cultures donated cookies.
We had tables and tables full of cookies, bars, brownies, pumpkin tarts, etc., etc!
The school has an enrollment of about 400 (K-12), and with all the parents,
grandparents, and younger siblings, the food lines lasted about 90 minutes.
And the food held out to the end.
Then came the entertainment.
 A & E took part in a tai chi jin--tai chi with a sword (wooden)!
 They got to wear cute white outfits--
 and perform to a traditional Chinese song.
 As we sat watching, I was talking with this cute Korean girl
sitting next to me.  
 And afterwards, this little girl consented to letting me
take a picture of her dress--a traditional Korean one.
Many of the moms wore dresses like this, but I hesitated asking
them for a picture.  The traditional Chinese dress is so
form-fitting, it doesn't look very comfortable
(or flattering for my body type).
But this one looks doable.
And that evening, just horsing around.

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