Thursday, March 24, 2011

A week ago today...

It was 23 degrees this morning, with frozen water on the deck--far  different from the weather we got to enjoy a week ago!  We've visited Texas a few times now, and hadn't gone to the seashore because it was too cool. But we were rewarded with warm weather this time so off to the beach we went!
 Our morning started with a car ride--nearly 3 hours long.  Thank heavens for DVD players.
 We traveled through rural Texas--areas of scrub brush--and as we got closer to Corpus Christi, Spring was further advanced--more green trees.
 We passed the exit to Alice, Texas.
 And found a great beach at Padre Island.
 The sand was soft and white, 
but there was also a lot of sea weed.
 The waves were perfect for playing in, and 
the sand was perfect for digging in.
  The water was cool at first touch, but it was easy to get used to (within seconds).  Now that's different from Idaho lakes where it takes several minutes to get adjusted to the water!
  We took turns playing with the kids in the sand and playing in the waves.  The kids had plenty of sunscreen lathered on them, so they finished the day with a little bit of a tan.
 The adults were not so fortunate--sure we put on sunscreen, but somehow missed some spots--foreheads, ears, etc. 
We arrived just after lunch, and left about 4:30, 
but it would have been great to stay longer.
I could play in those waves for days!  I love being in water, and this was so bouyant and comfortable.  It was great fun as we learned the best timing for jumping high to escape the breaking waves.
For those of us used to having nearby horizons (hills, trees, houses), it is good to view the expanse of the ocean and remember how small we really are.  And it is good to remember how powerful those waves are.
 Warm weather.  With family.  No injuries.
 Supper at Whataburger.  More "Cosby Show" on the way home, then showers to wash off the salt and sand.
What a great day! 


  1. Aw this post looks amazing!!!
    It totally reminded me of my mom too. The ocean was her favorite place to be! I'm so glad you got to have fun! Looks very relaxing.

  2. catherine7:49 AM

    I'm so glad you posted pictures of the beach! It looks like a great beach to visit again (though I noticed the dead portoguese man-of-war didn't get a mention here). Next spring, anyone?
