Thursday, March 10, 2011

Three Months' Storage

In my quest to be prepared, I came across the following idea for easily storing "normal" food.  
First some basic rules:  
1.  The food should be canned, dried or bottled--not refrigerated.  The reason for this is in most emergencies electricity will be the first thing to go, and so, we shouldn't count on having it.
2.  I wanted food that we will actually like.  In an emergency situation, having "comfort" food will be nice, particularly if children are involved.

This idea involves selecting 10 main meal recipes that the family likes, and then buying ten times the ingredients for those ten meals.  10 X 10 equals 100 main meals--that is about 3 months' worth.

So I just need to come up with 10 meals!  I thought that would be easy, but if you are not using fresh dairy, a lot of things wouldn't taste very good (like stroganoff). 
Spaghetti would probably be our # 1 meal.  That's pretty easy:
1 jar/can of spaghetti sauce--a variety of flavors would be nice. 
 1/2 package noodles.  Parmesan cheese.  Meat?  This can either be a meatless meal, or you can use a can of chili (no beans) for meat.  
Other meal options:  White chili (with canned or foil-pouch chicken)
Regular chili with beans.
Boxed Macaroni and cheese.
Other pasta meal mixes.
Then I would also store--in multiples of 10--canned veggies, fruit, and other things to go along with the main dish.
If you have any good meal ideas, please pass them along!

Now, if the electricity is out, I'll need to use sterno, charcoal, or even a campfire to cook, but that's another issue.

The following link gives more information:

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