Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Groundhog Day and Taxes

Happy Groundhog Day!
It snowed overnight and is still cloudy, so any groundhog here definitely did NOT see his shadow!
Would that mean only two more weeks of winter?
When has THAT ever happened? Spring, by February 16???
We'll be lucky if spring is here in 6 weeks, March 15.
And since it is now February, it is that wonderful, clean-out-all-the-financial-records-in-the-cubbyholes-in-the-desk time, in order to do...
Oh, one of my least favorite things to do!
But I purchased TurboTax yesterday, and within an hour, was almost done.
Almost done... because we haven't yet received the paperwork on investments.
Still, it was the quickest and most painless preparation yet of all the rest of it.
Good luck to the rest of you!

1 comment:

  1. Ha- we need all the luck we can get :) I keep thinking that something magical is going to happen and we won't have to take care of it.
