Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Find in the Cleaning

During the Winter Olympics, I like to have a big project. Maybe it's so I won't feel guilty spending so much time in front of the TV.
When I was a teenager, my mom set up quilting frames in the living room, and we tied quilts while watching the down hill skiers or the figure skaters.
Somehow, that need for a sewing project has been embedded deep in my psyche!
But, for this year, what project should it be???
During the cleaning-out and reorganizing, I came across the quilt blocks I embroidered while I was expecting Elizabeth, 16 years ago. They hadn't been lost; I knew they were there, I just was hesitant to take the next step. My mom has a flower-block quilt, pieced together with blue and yellow, and it's beautiful.
Other than tying some quilts, I've never really done this sort of thing.
How much fabric would I need? How do I start?
Then, recently someone gave me a bunch of craft books. Most of them were then donated to the Book Nook, but I kept a few and I found this section on quilting.
Maybe it caught my eye because I love the colors, or because it would be a perfect way to use my flower quilt blocks,
but it has step-by-step instructions. Just the help that I needed!
We've been Tivo-ing the evening Olympics, so we can skip the commercials (it's amazing! A 5-hour program viewed in under 2 hours). On Monday evening I cut fabric. (A major step forward for me!)
Yesterday, I got a lot of the piecing done (who knew it would take so long?)
By last night, I had enough done to be able to lay out a portion of the quilt and see if the colors would all look good together, and I like it!
The mauve/peach print will be the major color pattern, but I didn't have enough, so I'm incorporating the green/blue print at the corners.
What would a flower garden be without green and blue?


  1. wow- when you said 16 years...I did a mental double take! Crazy that it's been that long!
    And I think the quilt looks (and is going to look) beautiful.

  2. catherine8:30 PM

    I'm right there with Deborah! I know you said it was when you were expecting Elizabeth, but for some reason I was thinking that was closer to 6 years, not 16!

    I love those colors. I can't wait to see more of it put together. It will be so lovely.
