Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's been a really long week...

As I got up this morning, with the sun shining, and the snow blindingly white, I thought how nice it was to have Sunday! And we get to go to church today! It was cancelled last week, and although we kept the Sabbath, I really missed church. It seems like this week has been 14 days long!

Of course, in the 14 days, school was cancelled twice, along with a Math Fair, an Honors Orchestra event, music lessons and group lessons, the girls' music recital, a stake youth activity, and so on. So we were home a lot. Really a lot. I think I'm about ready for Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I was glad to go to church today... missing last week threw off all sorts of things, including the stake general priesthood meeting, which rescheduled threw off more things, etc etc. And frankly Connor and Brenna were happy to go to their classes again!
