Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Labor Day Fun?

Some of the guys in the ward decided they wanted to play softball on Labor Day. The game was at Pfeiffer park, back in our old neighborhood, so we decided to attend. The girls were going to play, except Elizabeth can't put shoes on (that toe probably is broken), and none of the other Young Women showed up, so we just watched.
I've decided this is like the annual Turkey Bowl. A bunch of guys trying to play like they were still in junior high. It seems the injury rate is pretty high.
One man, playing shortstop, bent down to catch a low hit, when it took a funny bounce and hit him full in the face. Then he skinned his knee when he fell down. Good thing he's a doctor.
At least he knew to put ice on the blackening eye.
Kevin was pitching.
And took a line drive to his shin. I can almost see the stitches of the ball in the mark on his leg, and this was at least 30 minutes after he was smacked.
All in all, a great game. At least we could all leave, smiling.
But maybe that was because we left for a time and got Elley's cell phone. After all, it was her birthday. She does have the biggest smile of all.


  1. The end of the game isn't who has the most runs, but when the injury tally has reached a certain point...

  2. catherine6:38 PM

    Ha ha ha! Maybe next time you should bring a small first aid kit along, including a stick of butter...
