Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Day of School

It's that time of year and once again, we got the front porch-first-day-of-school photo. Both girls are off to school before 8 a.m., so my "free" time starts even earlier this year.
Alice is enjoying 7th grade--she likes the various classes and more responsibility.
Elley likes high school.
The secondary schools did a nice thing this year. On the first day of school, the only students to attend the first 3 hours were the new students (new 7th or new sophomores). They were able to get used to their locker, and finding their way to each of their classes before the rest of the students came at 11 a.m. (No older students standing around making fun of the young ones!)
They did the same thing at the high school.
That really relieved the girls and helped them adjust very quickly.
The school year is off to a good start!


  1. catherine6:37 PM

    What a great idea!

  2. Yeah- a nicer seventh grade experience than I received, I'm pretty sure :)
