Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You never know what you'll find outside the door...

For awhile now, we have just decided to begin each new day with the thought,
"what new adventure will we have today?"
It certainly cuts down on any stress of meeting unusual experiences!
The other day as I walked into our apartment building,
there by one of the first-floor apartments was a big red box--
almost as tall as the regular-sized bicycle next to it.
 Holy Cow!  Those are fireworks!
I suddenly had a vision of Mary Poppins and her crew dancing on the
rooftops of London with fireworks shooting at them--something
like that could happen if this went off.  Or it could just blow up part of the building.
I am SO grateful that adequate instructions are provided:
 Open the box.  
Don't lean over it while you light it.
Keep your distance--at least 50 meters.  (That's something
I've not seen--usually the people are standing much closer).
Oh, and yes, this box is fragile and should be protected and stored upright.
Other than those precautions
it's good to go!
The Danish family who bought the fireworks invited us to watch
when they set them off out in the courtyard.
We oohed and aahed as they flew into the sky, exploding with all kinds
of color as the sparks bounced off the high-rise apartments next to us.
Yes, the China adventure continues!

1 comment:

  1. catherine8:49 AM

    I love the directions! Are you sure that last picture doesn't say "stay back 50 centimeters" instead of meters? :-)
