Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Ellie and the broken foot...

It's been 4 weeks+ since Ellie broke 2 metatarsal bones in her foot, and with a doctor's appointment today, she was really hoping the cast was going to come off.
I have to say the medical care has been good.  
We have a SOS International clinic right here in TEDA (almost within walking distance)
and Dr. Wang who speaks excellent English.  The clinic looks the same as anywhere in the U.S.
However, they don't have the big diagnostic machines, so we have to go to
a Chinese hospital for the x-rays.  
The clinic sends along a nurse to interpret.  The hospital we went to looked modern
and clean.  I especially loved that the nurses wore the little white caps that 
I remember seeing in books from the 1950's.
The technicians were proficient, but last time, they forgot to put a lead apron over Ellie, so
I reminded them this time.  And it was fun to get to watch from the
technician's station as Ellie got her cast x-rayed.
But she wasn't happy with the news.  The bone is healing slower than it should
be, and the cast has to stay on 2 more weeks (at least).  She's been
taking extra calcium, drinking milk, being careful about her activities,
and she is feeling more than ready to have both feet back!
At least they did say there would be physical therapy
to help her regain ankle motion.  


  1. catherine7:37 AM

    Two more weeks must feel like a really, really long time. That's too bad, Ellie! Hang in there and soon you'll get your foot back :-) and it will all just be a funny story.

  2. Oh man...good luck Ellie!
