Friday, February 10, 2012

Making dumplings

Dumplings are a big part of the Chinese experience. 
 There are dumpling restaurants.
You can get dumplings just about anywhere.
At our Bible study group, Zhong Ling offered
to teach us how to make jiaozi (dumplings).
She grew up in Beijing but has lived in Austen, Texas,
for the past 17 years and just returned to China
for her husband's job .  She has been able to tell us 
fascinating stories about growing up in Mao's China.
(She is an American citizen and is legal in coming to Bible Study.
If she were a Chinese citizen, she could not.)
We met at her apartment (which reminded me of a Barbie dollhouse--lots of orange or pink cabinets doors on white cabinets), and she helped us roll out the flour-&-water dough into small circles.
Then we put a tablespoon of the filling in the center of the circle.  She had two for us to try:  1) hamburger/carrot/ginger root/onion mixture and 2) ground pork/chopped leek/ginger root.  Both were delicious, but I have found that real ginger root doesn't agree with me.  There was also soy sauce, sesame oil, and sesame seeds in each mixture.
Then came boiling the jiaozi, for 6 or 7 minutes, and as soon as the dough was completely done, they were ready to eat. 
 A great vinegar (similar to a balsamic vinegar) is poured on the plate for dipping, and then we got to enjoy!
 My only problem?  I can do chop sticks for most foods, but
jiaozi are a little slippery for me.
I had to give up and use a fork.


  1. Anonymous9:42 AM

    looks wonderful. we finally got some snow last night, still snowing.Very light tho, has covered the ground. How is the weather in China. do you get snow????

    1. It has been very cold this winter, but I've only seen 5 flakes of snow, and those didn't stay. The wind blows and blows, sometimes bringing dust from the Gobi desert. I had no idea it would be this cold!

  2. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Again, Im sorry, what is your email address?
    The dumplings look so good.

  3. Those look awesome! Just like the ones we buy down the street :) At 5/$1.00, I think we'll continue to just buy ours until we move somewhere where they are a little less convenient. What a fun experience. you should also learn how to make Moon cakes that actually taste good while you're there!
