Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Almost done with vacation...

For at least 2 years, we have looked forward to going to Redfish Lake.  This is a big part of what I look forward to when thinking about summer vacation.  We packed the innertubes and the swimsuits for enjoying the water during the normally hot August days.
Unfortunately, somehow August served up 3 days of very cool temperatures, and they happened to coincide with the 3 days we were at the lake.  With high temperatures in the 60's, suddenly that crystal clear water didn't look quite as inviting for swimming.   It was great for canoeing though!  And we still enjoyed the inner tubes (though trying to stay as dry as possible.) 
We were glad we packed the sweatshirts and warm clothing, because, even when the sun was shining, it was coool! 
And without as much playing in the water, the youth figured out other things to keep them occupied.
We watched a lot of heavy storm clouds go by, pouring rain, but the rain missed us.  We heard a lot of thunder as well but never close by.
We were prepared for the worst, though.  We put tarps over all the tents.  There was always water warming over the fire for hot chocolate.  We all drank a lot more cocoa than usual!
And Grandma Beth and Terry had found the perfect spot for our group.  They left home at 5 a.m. to arrive at Redfish by 9 a.m., and got the site as another group was leaving.  The rest of us came in waves, and I'm glad we got there by 11 a.m., because that first afternoon was the only time it was warm enough to swim.
And thanks to Uncle Kim, we had a huge tarp to put over the tables and fire pit.  Although it did rain a bit, we were able to keep dry for meals and evenings around the campfire.
With Jeannine's family, Kim's family, our family (including Catherine and her kids), and Grandma Beth and Terry, we made a big group.
As we packed up to leave, the weather looked to get warmer--tempting us to remain and enjoy the beauties of this area. 
Or just inviting us back next year.

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