Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Well, it wasn't all just playtime...

Or maybe it was. (See that box, full of gifts, behind the chair? Christmas was great!)

We had Brian Rogers over for a roast beef dinner, and some good Phase 10 playing. He's doing well, and was here for Christmas, but his travel plans were made after his dad made travel plans for visiting his brother in Boise. So Brian was here by himself!

My favorite memory was the singing! For our hymn before reading the scriptures, I was surprised by the 4-part harmony. I hadn't realized Aaron was such a good singer--able to sing the bass line a cappela. Wow! But the REALLY memorable singing was on Christmas day. Deborah started playing Christmas melodies on the piano, and soon everyone was gathered around: Aaron was doing his best "Aaron at the Met" impersonation, Kevin grabbed his clarinet, the rest of us mere mortals just sang.


  1. Wow, you had Brian over, and you didn't play Rage? Or did you think there would be too much of the aforementioned emotion with both Brian & Aaron playing?

  2. Yeah, Deborah, what's up with your poses?

    And those were good times back then. I especially remember the enjoyment we'd get from playing "Hurt the Jerk", or whatever that non-politically correct name was. Ahh, football, tackling, and a trampoline. What a great combination.

  3. I thought it was "smear the ..."?
    (that politically incorrect term).

    We did think about Rage, but went with something more civilized.

    I'll let Deborah defend herself.
