Friday, August 17, 2007

Weekend Plans

Sorry, there are no pictures with this post, as the plans for this weekend are still just in my head, and it's hard to get a picture of that!

Well, Catherine will be happy about this as she has helped plan it and continues to encourage the building of a fence in our yard. Not just any fence--a white, picket fence (vinyl) with an arbor. It will stretch from the chimney on the south side of the house, to the neighbor's fence--a length of about 40 feet. When it is finished, it should add to the cottage feeling of our house. I've already purchased a couple of hardy roses to go on each side of the arbor and I look forward to putting other flowers there--like an English cottage.

We've been researching, and have decided on Lowe's as our supplier. We'll go purchase everything either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Now, if you thought this is a simple project, well, that's what I thought too. Then I realized you have to call all the utilities to come and mark their underground lines so we don't hit a gas line or cut off our phone.

Then, the pricing of the fence says, $xx per 8 foot section. So, naive me, I thought you would just multiply that for the length you need and you would have the price of your fence (not counting the arbor, or course). Wrong. You also have to order posts (aren't those included??), hardware, and some kind of system for anchoring to the ground. So this means digging post holes, and putting concrete in. Suddenly the cost has increased a lot!

Then we have to either dig up the sod, or else kill it to make the flower bed along the front and back of the fence. I did know that part, though I'm not looking forward all that back-breaking labor. (I think we'll spray the grass with Round-up, then after it dies, turn it over. If we were to dig up the sod, then we have to dispose of it somehow, and the city won't allow it to be put in the yard waste containers.)

Everyone is welcome to come help dig post holes, or dig the flower beds!

(Pictures will be posted during the process.)

for a picture of what it might look like when it is finished.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Hurray! I'm so excited... though having done my share of roundup or digging out the sod, I still vote for renting the sod cutter. I could never get the roundup to kill off ALL the grass (somehow some blades would escape) and boy would my hand hurt after spraying it on... I'm just glad I get to enjoy the process without any of the work!
