On Saturday, Kevin and I went to Ames, Iowa, to participate in the Republican party's "Straw Poll". Years ago this began as a fundraising event for the GOP--charge $35 and get to meet the candidates and take part in a popularity vote. It has come to be a benchmark for the presidential campaign--the first hurdle. Already since Saturday's poll, at least one candidate who didn't do as well as he'd hoped, has dropped out of the race. There were 8 candidates there, although Rudy Guiliani and John McCain skipped the contest--candidates like Ron Paul (the libertarian), Mike Huckabee, Sam Brownback, Tommy Thompson, and others that I can't remember their names. All are either senators, former governors, or congressmen.

We kept wondering, wow! How much money is being spent here today??? It's too bad that politicking takes money these days.
I have ambivalent feelings about living in Iowa during the presidential campaign, which actually began this past January. On one hand we get to personally meet the candidates and put in our two-cents' worth. On the other hand, we have been getting political phone calls since January, sometimes as many as four a day. That is VERY tiresome! We really enjoyed late November and December when all that had stopped after the last election. I was sorry it started so early for the next one.
It's hard to believe it will be more than a year before the presidential election... it can only get more expensive and nastier from here...