Despite the rain Saturday morning, the work commenced! I wish I could say that "we" got a lot done, but it was 99.9% Kevin doing the work. I took pictures.

After "measuring twice" the hard work began. Although we'd had a lot of rain, after one foot of depth, the hard clay was dry, and HARD! It took Kevin several hours to dig the first four holes.

It took every ounce of his power to grind away at that clay with a post-hole digger.

Talking to him at that point, I thought he was about to finish for the day as his shoulders were sore, and we'd rent a movie or something for the evening. Then, he thought he would just "mark" the spots for the last 5 holes. Before long, he had them dug--the hard clay was either absent or was wet all the way down and it didn't take him long. (These were also closest to the house, so perhaps the dirst was still loosened up from the construction of the home.)
Then, once he had all the holes dug, he couldn't leave them like that--that would be dangerous if someone walked through our yard. So he trucked over the concrete bags and the pea gravel,

assembled the arbor, and by dark, all the posts were set.

All that remains is to put on the fence sections (which are currently stored in the window well). Kevin just doesn't stop until the job is finished. Of course, on Sunday, Tylenol was his favorite friend, and he even slept in a bit on Sunday morning--till 7:30 a.m.!
The flower beds will take shape slowly. Of course, with this rain, the sod would be "easy" to take up! We'll see...
Wow! Now that's progress! It makes me excited to see it. The arbor looks very nice. Can't wait to see the fence sections in, too!