Monday, December 12, 2011

Something New (to us)

One great part of this Chinese Adventure is trying new fruit.
At least it is new to us.  I don't care for the dragon fruit.
But we have all decided that pomelos are a new favorite.
Maybe it's because they are so big--just like a grapefruit but huge, right?
 Not quite.  
The fruit is dense, and you peel it and eat it with your fingers.
Less juicy, but sweeter. We were SO surprised!
We are working our way through the several varieties, seeing what 
the difference in taste is, because the price runs from 50 cents a pound
to $2 a pound (in converted money and measurements).
So far, we can't tell much difference.
 Then, on the other end of the scale, are these little, tiny oranges.  I'm not sure what they are called, but they are cheap (this basketful cost less than a dollar), and so sweet.  Maybe they are the true "mandarin" oranges.  Except they are smaller than what I've seen in the cans.  They peel easily, with a very thin peel, and then the fruit is just a bite.  We love them!
 They go fast!

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