Sunday, August 14, 2011

Food Adventures...

Living in a hotel has its advantages--a great breakfast every morning.  Clean sheets and towels every day.  Someone else does the vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom.  

It also means that we get to eat out every night.  So the conversation goes something like this...  "Where should we eat tonight?"  Then everyone responds, "I don't know/care."  But once we select a spot, at least one person is dissatisfied.  That must mean that we have too many choices available!  And it is true.  We have a KFC.  A Dico's (which looks like a Chinese version of KFC or McDonald's--not sure which).  And some European-styled pubs with good food.  American food (almost).    One evening this week, as we walked to a restaurant, we passed by Nick's Mart, a small American grocery store, and it was having a grand opening. Apparently, here, such things are accompanied by fireworks and these tall conical baskets covered in flowers and ribbons.  At least there is no mistaking something grand happening.

We also went to a new grocery store and just had to try the blueberry flavored Lay's potato chips (very good!), and the mango-filled Oreo cookies (I think I prefer original white stuff in the middle of my Oreos.) We did not buy any Green Tea-flavored toothpaste.  The package had green on it, so we thought it might be mint, or even lime.  Here, if the packaging is green, it is green tea flavor.

We also passed on the sweet & sour fish soup-flavored Lay's potato chips.  I don't know if I'll EVER want to try that one!

Elizabeth was quick to notice the Mentos candies.  She has fond memories of them from France, and they are here too!

We haven't just eaten the safe, American-style food.  We've also ventured into a dumpling restaurant ("Ten Thousand Dumplings" is the translated name)--the girls and I gave it a thumbs down, and we ate at a noodle restaurant.

The food was actually very good, but it took a long time to eat our noodle soup with chopsticks.  And, it was very messy.  I'm still a neophyte as far as chopsticks go, and after a bit my hand starts to cramp up.  But I did eat enough to get full.  I did not eat my whole bowlful.  It was enough to feed three people!  We have found the portions to be very large with all the restaurants and we can either take home half of our meal, (and eat it for lunch the next day), or share a meal.

We find ourselves longing for a simple grilled cheese sandwich, or some homemade bread and soup.  We now have the key to our apartment-we just have to have our household items.  If it takes more than another week for our shipment to come, we might invest in some cooking utensils so we can begin camping out at the apartment.  Hotel living is beginning to get old.

1 comment:

  1. catherine7:52 AM

    I wouldn't even know how to begin eating soup with chopsticks! It sounds a little like the old method of eating peas on a butter knife--what an odd pairing! Is it bad manners to pick up the bowl and slurp the broth out of it? ;-)
