Monday, January 10, 2011

I was wondering...

Yesterday I actually got the Sunday School lesson reading done before church (thank you afternoon meeting time!).  I found myself more deeply engrossed in the story of Luke Chapter 1 than I can remember ever being.  With Christmas just over, and with 50+ Christmases behind me, I HAVE heard this story before.  
So maybe it is because of my experience in being an older mom, but I began to wonder, 
why was it necessary for Elisabeth to be old, and previously barren.  
What influences would that bring to the rearing of the prophet, John the Baptist?
Would she be more tender?  More pragmatic?  Would she be able to set aside, because of her wisdom, the worldly conventions that sometimes press upon us in the rearing of children?  What am I not understanding here?

And then we have Mary.
Obviously, since she needed to be a virgin, having a young woman for her role as mother of the Savior sounds right.  But if having the wisdom of advancing years was a benefit for raising John, why not have a woman who was an "old maid"?  Yet here she was, probably around 16 or 17, untainted (or naive--in the eyes of the world), and pure.
In my limited understanding, it makes sense for Mary to be young, in the same way it was necessary for Joseph Smith, the prophet of the Restoration, to be young--she was unspoiled by the world and open to being taught from On High.  And I would have to assume that she was tutored, either by the Spirit, or with heavenly messengers, to prepare her, teach her, and support her through all the coming trials.

So why wasn't Elisabeth a young woman as well!

I would love to hear any insights you might have!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what impact being older and barren had on Elizabeth as a mother but Elizabeth has always had a special place in my heart. Even though I have not had to go through the trial of being barren I have seen first hand how painful and trying it can be. Perhaps John needed a mother who was older and wiser to prepare him to prepare the way for his cousin. Or maybe Elizabeth is an example to us as women to trust the Lord. There are very few examples of strong spiritual women in the scriptures and I love that Elizabeth is one example of such great faithfulness.
