Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So We Went to the Big Apple!

With our anniversary in October, (#33 this year!), we have a tradition of taking a trip or doing something special at this time of year.  Some years it is just an overnight trip to the temple.
Other years it has been more elaborate, like going to Hawaii, or while we lived in France, going to Switzerland or the French Alps.
This year, it seemed the perfect time to go see where Deborah and Adam are living and what they are experiencing.  And, in true Bailey family style, we really packed in the experiences--with miles of walking and lots of subway rides--it's good we bought the 7-day unlimited pass.  It was "paid" for in 2 days.
We arrived in NYC on noon, Day #1.  It took a couple of hours to get to Deborah's apt to shed our luggage, but then we were off to see the sights.  We grabbed a hot sandwich at a deli, walked the Brooklyn Bridge, dodging bicyclists and runners, and then walked all over lower Manhattan to see the World Trade Center site and Wall Street.
 As the day closed, we rode the Statten Island ferry by the Statue of Liberty.  On the return ride, we watched the sun set right behind the Statue.  Memorable!!  With a subway ride back to the apt, we arrived just before Deborah did (she had late parent-teacher conferences).  Adam cooked a delicious soup, we had a great time conversing, and Day #1 came to an end.
 Day #2, Friday, Kevin and I were still on our own for the morning, so we rode the subway to downtown and did the "Top of the Rock" experience--going on top of the Rockefeller Center.  We were blessed with a clear, brisk day and a great view.  We saw the buildings with TV studios (NBC, Fox News, ESPN), the ice skaters (even in the Fall!), and all the people.  There is such energy and life in the city.  So many people going so many places.  It was invigorating, probably because it was taken in such a small dose. 
 Walking along 5th Avenue, there were vendors with cashmere scarves.  I wanted one to help ward off the cold wind, and decided it was the perfect gift for A&E.  The hard part was picking out just three out of all the beautiful colors.  We met Deborah and Adam for a late lunch (her school day was finished early and Adam's work is very flexible),
and thoroughly enjoyed Lombardi's pizza. 
 Then, it was more walking, and more sights.  Chinatown.
 Central Park.
We rented a row boat and took turns rowing, with lots of laughter.
We even fit in an hour at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  (Elley, doesn't Deborah look good in your scarf?  She was certainly glad to have the use of it for the day!) 
 After a quick "Subway" sandwich, we were off to Broadway to see "Mary Poppins".
For some background, I'm not usually thrilled with live productions, probably because most that I've seen are of the high school or ward variety.  I have never longed to see a Broadway show but that might be because most that are talked about are "edgy",  That's not me. 
The show was sold out, with some patrons in evening dress, and others, (us!) in street clothing.
The theatre was the first great experience--ornate and classical, with beautiful curtains, boxes, lobby, etc.  The second great experience was the show itself.  It followed the books more than the Disney movie did.  Mary Poppins wasn't quite the cheerful Julie Andrews version.  Some songs were familiar but with updated lyrics and accompaniements.  Some songs were new.  Some songs were left out.  The scenery was amazing!  The singing was superb.  It was so fun to hear live pit musicians.  Even the wonderful Nauvoo pageant uses recorded music but miked singers.
I would have to say that Mary Poppins was a highlight of our visit to NYC.

1 comment:

  1. catherine12:15 PM

    Love the pictures! I'm so glad the Broadway experience turned out so well. Your weekend almost, almost makes me want to visit NYC myself!
