Monday, August 30, 2010

And the journey continued...

Vacation was a bit unusual this year, in that it wasn't just travel to Idaho, visit, then return to Iowa.  First, there was the week spent in Colorado. Then on Friday, Kevin drove by himself from Iowa.
Catherine and her children flew into Denver, so I drove the hour to pick them up.  Unfortunately, there was some heavy traffic to delay us on I-25, then a heavy downpour just before we reached the airport.  As we drove towards it, we were enthralled by the rainbow, which was a full double at times, and even a triple one for a bit.  Beautiful! 
But the darkness behind it was scary. And driving IN it was scary.  I was so glad Kevin had put new RAINEX windshield protector on just before we left. The rain just beads up and runs off--letting you see far better than if the wipers were being used.   So although other cars were pulling off because they couldn't see, we were able to sail on through--until we started hydroplaning. That slowed us down a bit!
Then, trying to find which of the 8 lanes we should be in as we approached the airport was difficult--when we couldn't see the signs until just a few feet away.  Which terminal?  Long-term parking?  Short-term parking?  Pick-up lane? etc.  In spots, red water was flowing swiftly over the roadway--do I dare drive through it?   Thankfully, with cell phones, we were in contact with Catherine, and eventually all were collected, with their luggage and back to Ft. Collins we headed. I was SO grateful Alice was along with me to help with phone calls and reading signs! 
We arrived back at Ryan & Jamie's about 5 minutes after Kevin arrived.  Oh, what fun everyone had together--the Bailey girls showing the Sullivan kids their back yard and their chickens.  And the Sullivan kids, after hours and hours of traveling, were delighted to run and shout and let off some energy.
It was so fun to see all of our grandkids together, and having fun! Saturday morning, Ryan and Catherine jointly cooked breakfast, and everyone enjoyed the pancakes.
Then, it was off on the 8-hour journey to Idaho, for our two-week vacation.  We used both cars, Kevin and the girls in one, and I drove the other one with Catherine and her kids.  At Rock Springs, Catherine's family went on to Utah to visit Sullivan relatives, and we headed for Hoback Jct.  I'm always thrilled at the first sight of the Wind river mountains along the way. The drive is always interesting from then on. There were more brief downpours, a small forest fire, and the beautiful Hoback river canyon to drive by.  Finally, we arrived.
And I just have to include this last picture.  
I guess not EVERYTHING was fun and games....

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