Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Huckleberry Hunting

Day three of our vacation: With Grandma and Grandpa Bailey, we drove up Kelly's Canyon, past the ski hill and Tablerock campground, to check on the huckleberries. Ida and Lisa came with us, so there were two cars.
We loved walking through the cool shade, but nary a berry did we find. Whether it was the late frost, or the lack of rain as the cause, there are no berries this year. The forest was pretty, but very, very dry. The dust was a couple of inches deep in the roadways which turns car windows into blackboards. The grass is still green because it is the first week of July (still very early in summer as far as the mountains are concerned), but by August it will be all brown.

The real adventure began as we headed for home. Ida led out (but afterwards said she felt a couple of times that we should have let the men lead). But we had Mildred with us and thought we knew the way home.

Now, let me point out that there are numerous forks in the road, with no signs. After a few minutes, one of us mentioned that it didn't look quite like the right road. And the other car was no longer behind us. (We found out later that they had tried to signal us but we didn't see it).

We tried using the cell phone. No reception. Do we turn around and try to find the right turns--the ones we hadn't recognized the first time? Or do we continue and see where we come out? We had water, plenty of gas, and Lisa's medications, so we finally opted for the second option and got to see new territory that I've never seen before. The road we were on came out on the Rexburg bench of dry farms, and as soon as we had cell phone reception we called the others so they wouldn't worry about us--we were just having a better adventure than we had planned on having.

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