Each day the temperature climbs a bit higher--49, 50, 51, and the snow is going, going, and soon will be gone. Now, I'm not naive enough to think it is gone for good this spring, afterall, we've built snowmen on April First (a real April Fool joke on us) before. I can hardly believe the pile of snow once encompassed the tree.
But Spring is really coming! My fingers are itching to pick up a rake and a broom to loosen that packed down grass and sweep up all the left-over sand (for which we were grateful when the streets were full of ice).
Where the snow drift melted away just a few days ago, now a hyacinth is poking its head up!
For those of you who live in warmer climates, you probably don't understand the ecstatic feeling I had as I walked through my yard and saw these first signs of life. For you, the world is green the year around.

After a long four months of just white,
new green is about the most wonderful color in the world!
To go along with the baby daffodils and tulips I saw, I heard a robin singing and the sky had little fluffy white clouds floating in the blue.
What a great feeling--Spring!
Wow, Mom, did you realize that every single blog on this page has been about snow, or something caused by snow? Anything fun happening with your lives? :-)