As we looked out the window on Friday morning, a snowy blizzard greeted us. The snow and wind continued the entire day. The radio reported traffic gridlock in Milwaukee as snow plows couldn't keep the roads cleared off and many, many traffic accidents occurred. We were so glad we had made the choice to go to the museum in Milwaukee on Thursday!
Brenna walked around the house singing, "Deck the Halls".
By Saturday morning, this is what we saw as we looked out Catherine's back window... 12 inches of snow! And the Easter Bunny trying to make his way through.
And this was the view from front window, as Kevin went out early to shovel the driveway and sidewalks. We had all helped shovel at various times during the day.
By Saturday afternoon, the warm sunshine enticed us outside.

With a hillside and gravity to help, it only took a short time to have a family of snowmen with a watch dog on the end, in the back yard.
I'm afraid one of the snowmen won't stay standing very long.
When we left on Sunday afternoon, the snow was perfect for snowballs.

You're always welcome to come back and build more snowmen! We loved having you...