This took a few shots to get as the butterfly kept closing its wings. I love digital cameras! We tried and tried to get a butterfly onto Brenna's hand, but it usually flew just over her head.

This took a few shots to get as the butterfly kept closing its wings. I love digital cameras! We tried and tried to get a butterfly onto Brenna's hand, but it usually flew just over her head.
To go along with the baby daffodils and tulips I saw, I heard a robin singing and the sky had little fluffy white clouds floating in the blue.
What a great feeling--Spring!
There were areas of town where you didn't have to steer your car at all--with twin parallel ruts all you had to do was apply gas or brake. In fact, it was like driving a car at an amusement park with the wheels on a track so you can't stray. The ones on our street weren't quite so kind. The worst part was that all of this could have been avoided if the snow plows would have come while the ice was soft (when it first fell), instead of waiting for it to freeze really hard.
A purchase of a potted plant helped me hold on. Spring has to come sometime!