Many riders camped in the yards of volunteer homes throughout the city. A neighbor had a bus parked in their driveway last night, and the bus had a railing around the top for the extra bikes for the team staying there. Many of the riders are in teams with matching outfits.
Some of the riders had tiny trailors with a boom box on to provide music and entertainment as they sweat through 50-60 miles of up and down miles to the next overnight stop. For Iowa, contrary to popular opinioin, is NOT flat.
They used the showers at the junior high, and many went swimming. Alice talked me into swimming as well (we've been going every day and she didn't want to break the habit) and I was amazed at how many of the riders were my age or older. They all had the tell-tale tan/sunburn lines from their biker shorts.
There was such a festive air, and such a camaraderie, it made me think that this would be a fun thing to do--if it weren't held at the end of July when it's so hot and humid!
Correction: There were 20,000 riders PLUS their support drivers, etc.