Does anyone else have a fond memory of the pile of shoes at the bottom of the stairs at Grandma and Grandpa's?

Or of the massive amounts of food Grandma produces for family dinners, breakfasts, or snacks? Did anyone else realize that all the "tail-end" cousins are
girls? Wow, did that make for a fun time of giggling and games!

7:30 a.m., July 4th--we ate breakfast at the Iona Square, hosted by the Lions Club, with Cousin Adrian running the wheeled-version of the Beazer Train. I hadn't even known there was such a train, but apparently they run it in Iona on the 4th and also the 24th. So our kids DID get to ride a Beazer train this year. (Though the real train wasn't available--again--for the Beazer Reunion. That was a disappointment).

9:00 a.m., July 4, Rexburg--waiting for the parade. What a Bailey Clan!!! Chris looks like Mr. Western man, and Kevin has found a hat that he doesn't mind having his picture taken in. Grandpa gets to use the office chairs from the Post Register office (behind), so we watched the parade in comfort, not to mention having shade! Kirk and his family have moved to Pocatello, so they are available for whatever event is happening, and I'm slightly (well, probably more than slightly) jealous!

That evening we went to Idaho Falls for the big fireworks display. It was absolutely amazing! And we parked such that we were out of the mob and home (in Rigby) in 20 minutes. We like celebrating the 4th all up and down the Snake River Valley!
Wow, office chairs for the parade? Cushy! I'm not familiar with that tradition! Nor do I recall the Uncle Chris cowboy hat phenonemon...
ReplyDeleteAfter having office chairs for consecutive years, there is no way I'm going back to sitting on the curb! And Chris has to have a certain "persona" for his shows and somehow that seems to carry over into real life!