On the street of Narita City, Japan, during our 6-hour layover on the way to Guam. I guess I don't look too bad for having been awake for 24 hours! I suddenly felt like I was in Europe-- Narrow streets, lots of flower boxes, and small cars.

When we arrived, we had an option: pay for a "napping" room at the airport and
maybe get a couple of hours of sleep, or take the train into nearby Narita City and visit a park. We took the second option, knowing that spending time out in the sunshine helps the body adjust to the new time. We would also have the advantage of having navigated the train system in preparation for the following week when Ryan and Jamie would be with us (and two children, and luggage). This proved invaluable!

And the park was beautiful! All kinds of trees, ponds, huge gold fish, and a huge Japanese temple.

Our spirits were revived by the beauty--and we were glad we'd taken this option.
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