When we left for Guam, I told Deborah, "if you want a project to do, take down the wallpaper border in the spare bedroom." (The room that used to be A&E's). When we came home, She had spent hours and hours, and tried every trick she knew of, including steaming, and that border was only half-way down. It was a self-adhesive border, and I'm thinking they used super glue! We worked on it a couple more days, and I finally finished it after she went back to Provo.
That glue melded with the paint and by the time we were through, it was fairly obvious we'd have to prime the wall (what with all the spots where the paint had been taken off along with the wall paper).
Then there is the problem--what color for the repainting job? Catherine suggested a warm golden color. Very nice, except it clashed with the carpet. I looked at paint samples. No clear idea came of what I wanted. Then, what do I spy? The mis-tinted shelf of half-price paint. All I had to do was go through and see if there was a color (and all the gallons had a sample on the lid) that I thought would work. And I found...

It is supposed to be a deep pinkish mauve, or a deep mauve-ish pink, or a deep dusty rose, or some such thing (there was no actual name for the color), and when we opened the can, I was a little worried. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...
But then we got it all mixed up and started painting, and I fell in love with it immediately!

We had thought maybe of taking out the bed and just making this a sewing/music/library room, but now that the walls match the bedspread so well, maybe it will stay. Besides, it is pretty handy for an afternoon reading session.

Or a snuggle with the dog. Of course, this took until fairly late on Saturday evening, but that was only because we took several hours off to go take part in the Sturgis Falls activities. Now I'm ready to paint something else. Maybe it is good we are heading off to Idaho this weekend, or I could do something crazy!
Wow, it looks really really great & Alice looks very comfortable in it!