Reading to the girls has been one of the best things we've done (right after family home evening and family scripture reading). The list of books continues to grow. Recently we read Wilson Rawls' "Summer of the Monkeys". This is a story that Grandma Mildred Bailey always read to her 4th grade classes. Now I know why. It is funny and folksy.

Then we read "Princess Academy". We enjoyed it as well, though it is about 180 degrees different from Summer of the Monkeys. But it different than I expected. It was about poor girls from a mountain region who are being tutored and trained because one of them will be chosen to wed the prince because of a prophecy by the kingdom's magicians.
For our book club, we read "A String in the Harp", a Newbery honor book. I related to it right away as a family relocates to Wales from the U.S. and the unexpected trials they encountered. Ancient Welsh myths enter in, so it combined fantasy as well. It was a good read!
I love a good book!
My 4th grade teacher read SUmmer of the Monkeys to us, too. I've since read it again at Grandma Bailey's house, and enjoyed it again. There's just nothing like a good book.