I don't do birthday parties anymore. But sometimes, we come close. I found a cute pinata at the store, and had leftover Halloween, Valentine, and miscellaneous candy to put in it (it wasn't full, believe me!) The safest place to locate a blindfolded person with a wooden stick was out on the end of the swingset. Alice got first go at it.

Everyone had a turn. And then another turn. And then Elizabeth knocked the tab out of the top so it couldn't hang from the rope anymore. That pinata just would not break! So we set it on the wooden beam, and allowed hits without being blindfolded. Finally, one end of the rainbow broke open!

Finding wrapped candy in all that bark and mulch took some doing. Alice had one friend from school, Kelly Olsen, and we also invited the Davidson girls (Ruth is 6 and also had her birthday the same day, and Grace is 3--they live a block away and their mom is my visiting teaching companion).
But that wasn't the end of the day! Alice chose to go to Texas Roadhouse for her birthday dinner. Because you get to sit on the saddle. The food is also good, but secondary.

Later that night, after Elle and I got back from Mutual, we had her strawberry-glazed angel food cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. Yummm!
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