Who would have thought that winter was going to begin on January 15? We've had snow on the ground since that date. After the warm and dry December (I had daffodils poking their heads out of the ground on January 1st), I was almost ready to believe in global warming (but not quite! I am always skeptical when there is so much hype.). And now winter just keeps going on and on and on...
Yet, we've been luckier than many. We only had power out for about 90 minutes on Saturday afternoon. There are thousands who still don't have power. Many are staying in shelters.

There were so many power poles that were snapped in the ice and wind that they can't get enough new poles quick enough. Power crews are here from all over--North Carolina, Missouri, Ohio, Minnesota...
When the power went off, we started preparing--we've got lots of candles (including a boxful of kitchen candles--thank you Kim and Ida!) and a rechargeable lantern that I had just recharged a week earlier. We're got water, and we still had natural gas, so our downstairs gas fireplace would provide heat. We also have a battery-operated radio to keep up on the news. Supper might have been bread and milk (and canned fruit), but we have a Coleman camp stove, and a foil oven (but that would have to be used outside), so we could cook if we wanted to. We were almost disappointed when the power came back on--we were looking forward to the adventure of it all!
Still, church was cancelled on Sunday; school was cancelled on Monday. Many area schools have been out all week, because they have no power. While the power was off here, Alice remarked, "I had no idea how many things depend on electricity!"
That telephone pole picture is really amazing. It's almost like a hurricane came through there at the same time...