I checked the cancellation list this morning at 6:30--was school cancelled or delayed? Or do I need to get the girls up because orchestra rehearsal is at 7:20? Drats! Our school district was NOT on the list.
So I woke up the girls, and read a chapter out of "Peter and the Starcatchers"--we read together every morning. I know, I'm spoiling the girls, but it does make it easier for them to roll out of bed when they've had a few minutes to stretch and slowly wake up. I'm just applying the Golden rule--doing for them what I would like to be able to do. But I digress.

Looking outside, with snow falling and the wind still howling, I kept wondering about school. Finally, at 7, our schools were added to the cancellation list (that already had nearly every school system in the state on it). Fine! We're already up and eating breakfast. I would have loved to sleep in another 20 minutes this morning.

By the way, that black dot on the window is a lady bug. A live lady bug. It seems that last week when we had a couple of days of nice temps, a whole bunch of the bugs came back to life, inside our house. On a downstairs window there were about 15 of them crawling around. We've been finding them all winter, but they were usually dead. Or so I thought. I guess they just wanted a nice place out of the cold.
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