Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm Thankful for...

In preparation for Thanksgiving, several of us got together and made 
centerpieces, as it's always more fun in a group.

 ...Members of our congregation.  (Though some were
standing under a light and got washed out.  We will have to tell
Brother Boren that he is being translated--all that is left of him is the
outline of his head...)
 I'm thankful the oven still worked, even though the door came apart just as I put the turkey in.
The handle came off, the outer door dropped to the floor,
but the inner door seemed to do just fine and the oven thermometer said
the heat stayed constant.  And the turkey was delicious.
 I'm thankful Alice and Elizabeth got out of school at noon on Thanksgiving day, and were able to help set tables, peel potatoes, and fold napkins.  We put on "Miracle on 34th Street" to watch as we did the prep work.  I'm also grateful for an assortment of tables, for we were able to seat 14 people.
I'm thankful for a roomful of people to share a Thanksgiving dinner with, even if we didn't get to eat until 6:30 pm because some were late getting off work.  Everyone was starving by then! 
I'm really grateful for a lot of things!
For two daughters who have been flexible and mostly uncomplaining about 
this adventure we're in.
For a sweet husband who is a great provider, a dear friend, and who loves me in spite of my failings.
For our older children and their spouses who've been so helpful and supportive
--taking care of our mail issues, keeping our dog (whom we miss daily),
and talking to us through skype, gmail chat, etc.
For our grandchildren who, just by being there, fill our hearts with love.
For a comfortable living situation (though there are some drawbacks).
For a great family who is leasing our home in Cedar Falls 
so that we don't have to worry about anything there.
For the understandings I have of why I am here; who I am; and where I want to go.


  1. What a great post! Thank you for it.

  2. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving! I love the centerpieces...I'll have to try it sometime. And I'm glad the oven still worked. That could have made Thanksgiving very interesting. Remember when the oven exploded in Linga Longa?
