Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Mother's Dilemma...

I have come to an interesting situation.  When my children were young, I had no qualms about sharing pictures of them and telling of the things they are doing--some cute, some funny, some otherwise.
Lately though, my teenage daughters have decided they should get to have final say as to what pictures are used and what is shared.  And I guess I would have to agree.
To a point. 
The problem comes with the definition of what is embarrassing, and that definition is different for each of us.  And sometimes, any picture at all is "embarrassing".  I would have to say that I would NEVER want to go through my teenage years again with all the insecurity I felt!
Anyway, with all that said, I'm hoping that Alice won't mind my sharing a couple of things about her.
For Halloween, Alice decided that since we'd all forgotten to carve the pumpkin, she'd paint it instead.  She found a picture online on Tom & Jerry, and since I never knew which one was Tom and which was Jerry, I'll just have to say that she painted the cat.
I was impressed, especially when I realized she didn't have any black paint to mix in to shade things.
I also wanted to share how self-disciplined Alice is. 
(I feel like a slacker next to her!)
She has decided that she needs more exercise, so she got up this morning at 5:45, did 30 minutes on the treadmill, showered, read her scriptures, then did her piano practicing
before eating breakfast at 7:30.     Me? 
I had managed to read my scriptures before rolling out of bed at 7:10. 
See what I mean?
She always (and this is one time I can accurately use the term "always") does her homework when she first gets home from school.  She's so adamant about it that even when we want her to do it later (for a family purpose), she just can't put it off. 
I could share a number of other things, but since my purpose isn't to embarrass her, I'll stop here.
Raising each child is such a wonderful adventure!
I'm so happy to be a mother.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought about how my own blog might change as the kids grow older and more sensitive.

    We love Alice! Thanks for sharing all you did!
