Thursday, June 10, 2010

How does our garden grow?

Very well!  (This year, at least!)
On May 24:
It's growing so well that the finches gather, 2 or 3 at a time,
to drop in and snip off baby beet leaves. 
They must be tasty!
And for the first time this year, a deer has gotten across our fence and left deep prints.
It also left several pea plants with empty stems
 where there should have been pods just beginning to fill out. 
Those deer know just when the peas are their most tender and delicious! 
Still, I'm so happy to have real pods this year. 
It helps me realize that the gardening failures of the past two years
really were weather-related, and NOT my fault.
And the tomatoes seem to like the trampoline spot.
Lots of sunshine.
Lots of room.
I put garbage bags around the new plants when I transplanted them, to protect them from the winds.  After a few days, I pushed the plastic down to expose the plants more.
Funny thing.  The plants with the black bags are larger than the others,
even though they all came from the same group of nine plants.
And all of them are larger than the two plants that were left over and were planted by the white fence where there was a spot. 

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