Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And the storm came through

At the end of a previous storm, the clouds were spectacular as they moved off to the east. And yesterday afternoon, here came another storm. First came the heavy dark, blue/green clouds, then the wind arrived.
The top of this pine tree gave way. I wonder what this tree will look like as it grows?

And a big branch broke in the cottonwoods.

But the most unusual sight was in our garden...

I'm going to go out this morning to see if I can help the corn stand up again.


  1. So, do you know which way the wind was blowing? :) That first picture of those clouds is awesome.

  2. Wow! That corn looks crazy! And I'm so sad about that pine was such a pretty tree before those sapsuckers got it :( Everything looks so green!

  3. The picture of the corn is almost funny - except that it's YOUR garden and YOUR corn. Looks a little sad when it's your own.
