The gym floor at the ward is being refinished and the smell was so bad this morning that the rest of the block of meetings was cancelled after sacrament meeting. People were getting headaches, and some of the more environmentally-sensitive had raspy throats. The real clincher came when the Primary president was home with sick kids and both counselors are pregnant and the smell made them nauseous. So there was no one to take care of Primary. So... we have extra time here at home today.
I'm listening to the gentle rumbles of thunder as it softly rains and love seeing the bright green of a well-watered landscape. There is nothing greener than Iowa at a time like this!
And, speaking of landscape,
I'm amazed at how the colors entirely change in
just a couple of weeks.
In May, the mailbox garden was all purple, bright pink and soft yellow.
Now it is almost all yellow.
The wisteria has been beautiful this year. In late fall two years ago, I trimmed it back severely.
But this year it is full and lovely again-, and hanging down over the windows
(with Elly practicing her viola in the background).
Now we're back to constantly trimming wandering tendrils as they try to wiggle up under the siding, or they want to hang over so far (and so heavily) that they pull the wire trellis away from the wall.

I guess it gives us something to do (on a day other than Sunday).
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