As I do laundry this morning and put away some of the vacation clutter, I think back on what a great week we had, visiting Texas where Spring has already arrived! How nice it was to only pack summer clothing--no bulky sweaters or other winter clothing to take up so much space in the luggage. The car seemed so lightly packed!
One morning, we all went to the zoo. This was near the end of our week, but I think I'll post events in reverse order.

What a joy to spend the week with A., B., and C.!
Alice enjoyed letting people know her state of origin. She seemed to have a good week, even though we all missed Elizabeth. She played "Star Wars" with her niece and nephew. She babysat while the adults when out to dinner and to the temple. She willingly helped out at mealtimes. She was a joy to be around!
And it wouldn't be vacation for Kevin if he couldn't find some project to help out with. Last year, he moved the slide to a different side of the playhouse (a big improvement!). This year, a swing was added, and the climbing rope moved, along with removing an unused monkey bar section. The grandkids have a great yard to play in! Their parents have made it beautiful and fun.
But all good things need to end sometime and Saturday morning we were up at 4:30 for the trek home. We'd heard it could be snowing in Iowa and weren't looking forward to that last segment of the journey. What we didn't know was there was going to a major winter storm that stretched nearly the length of I-35.
This was the best the roads looked from then until we were almost to Iowa. Often there was only one lane passable. Stranded cars sat at the ends of skid lines in the median and off to the sides. Blowing snow. Strong wind. Heavy slush on the road. Lots of praying.

The thunderstorms began before Austin--heavy rain, wind, lightning.
Thank heavens for Rainex on the windshield!
Then in northern Texas the rain turned to snow.
Then in northern Texas the rain turned to snow.

VERY stressful driving!
(That's why I let Kevin do all of it.)
Ironically, the storm had already passed Iowa. There was snow on the fields but the roads were dry, and we actually saw the sun set and clear skies before we arrived home.
We offered a very sincere prayer of gratitude to have arrived safely.
And to have had such a great week.
It turns out that Thursday's attendance at the zoo was written up in the papers. What a day to go! We had so much fun with you here and it's been a bit of a let down to get back to work and the real world. :)