After all the fun of Christmas and New Year's, I'm still hoping for life to get back to normal and I can catch up on my blog. But life wasn't normal THIS week!
Maybe it all started with the paper snowflakes that were crafted before Christmas and hung in the windows. Do I need to take them down to make the snow stop? The piles out at the side of the driveway are higher than I remember. They are taller than I am, which makes it rather difficult to throw the snow from the driveway. Monday of this week brought an early dismissal because of a blizzard (and only 3 inches of snow). Then Wednesday, we awoke to another 7 inches with blowing and drifting. No school.

No school again.
This morning was supposed to be a 2-hour school delay because it is going to warm up today above zero. Whoops. It got down to -34, and school buses can't be started, so, no school again today. This set a new all-winter record for Waterloo--the coldest it has been here since records have been kept (back in the 1890's). I suppose we should feel lucky. This is probably the leftover of the -60 weather that were in Alaska. At least we didn't go that far down.

And yes, that is ice on the INSIDE of the windows. And a gallon of milk was frozen solid in the garage. I had to put it in the refrigerator to warm up.
Wow! We went swimming on Wednesday because it has been 80-85 degrees here all week. Amazing the difference in climates!