Well, we made it home safely--no incidents on the way. The new tires made the ride so smooth--even though the old ones weren't worn out, they vibrated too much! And for those of you who missed the trip, this is the Flying J in Rock Springs, WY. I like stopping at the same places--then you know where the bathroom is located!

I think that I am not the only one who missed my own bed while on vacation... Especially those days when there were so many people that an air bed on the basement floor was the best that could be found. I hope Connor and Brenna are sleeping better at home.

I know that Arizona boasts of having beautiful sunsets (or they used to), but Idaho sunsets can be spectacular! Especially when helped with the smoky haze from the California wild fires.

I'm glad that we were able to go to the temple at least once during our stay. That brought a great end to the vacation. Being an introvert, being with a lot of people is draining for me even though I love them. The temple helped restore my equilibrium. And of course, being there with my sweetheart is the best of all!

More vacation pictures to come...
On our trip out to Virginia, I bought sunglasses from that rack behind Ryan. And I still have them.