To our surprise, since it is still cool outside (and actually snowing this morning), it is the season for the All-City musical events. For three Mondays in a row, we get to go to the high school gym, with the All-City Orchestra being the first. All-City Chorus is next, followed by All-City Band. Alice, bless her heart, is in all three this year.
Why were we surprised? Because it is usually stifling hot at these events, so we just thought it was still sometime in the future.

Then it was Elly's turn. Right after Kevin took this picture, there was a bright flash of light outside and an loud peal of thunder, and the lights blinked off! Elly was playing "Orange Blossom Special" and kept right on playing. The lights flickered back on (along with several alarms from patients' rooms) and the show went on!
It was a fun service project, and the stake presidency had asked us to do some service as a family before stake conference. Along with turning off the TV (no problem there!)
I was glad one of the other moms suggested this activity.
Now that you mention it, I thought "All-City" and "heat wave" were synonymous. Huh. Glad that it will be more enjoyable this year!!!